Way To Grow! provides an informative and non-threatening way to begin instruction on adolescence and the menstrual cycle. This full color educational comic book helps you present basic information about the changes that take place in a young girl's body as she matures. Topics covered include:
- Physical changes of adolescence
- How development varies among individuals
- The physical process of menstruation
- The cycle of menstruation
- How menstruation varies in onset and duration for each person
- The role of menstruation in reproduction
- Recurrence of menstruation from adolescence to menopause
- How menstruation may initially vary in regularity and intensity
- The menstrual cycle as a normal part of a woman's life
- Personal hygiene in adolescence
- Hygiene options during menstruation
- Correct use of feminine hygiene products to provide comfort and security
- Consulting a physician for undue variations or pain
- Understanding life's changes to help with common fears
- How to communicate with trusted individuals including parents, health teachers and school nurses
Sharing this comic book with young readers is a great way to begin discussion on what can be a sensitive topic. Way To Grow! can help you provide a positive framework to prepare young people to deal with an important aspect of adulthood.
This educational comic book has been reviewed for accuracy by:

National Institute Of Child Health And Human Development
Association Of Women's Health, Obstetric And Neonatal Nurses
Michigan State University Center For Medical Studies
Way To Grow! can be distributed for independent learning or used in structured educational programs. Use Way To Grow! for health classes, patient education, Girl Scout health programs, Mother and Daughter nights, public information programs, classroom presentations, health fairs and community education programs.
This effective and easy to use teaching tool is perfect for use by teachers, school nurses, parents, administrators, pediatricians, other health professionals, and anyone who wants to help prepare young people for the changes they will face as they grow.
Written by noted authors Scott Deschaine, Charles Deschaine, Diane Deschaine, and Kathleen Deschaine and illustrated by renowned artists June Brigman and Roy Richarson.
Note: The health and safety information therein is presented as a public service by Discovery Comics and the distributors and sponsors of this comic book. They assume no liability for any actions taken by persons based on the information contained therein. |