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Getting a child's interest is vital to teaching. Perhaps the best aspect of using educational comic books is that children WANT to read them.
Simply give a child a comic book. Then watch them open it and start to explore - all on their own. It's as easy as that!
You can distribute educational comic books for independent learning by young people. Children can choose when they will read them – when they are most receptive to the important lessons.
You can also use comic books in structured settings like classrooms. They provide a great basic lesson and a starting point for in-depth study or discussion of important issues. Younger readers may benefit from assisted reading.
Children read and re-read comic books at their own pace. Studies show that children share educational comic books with friends, siblings, and parents. Studies also show they will probably keep the comic book for months and even years, so it can keep on teaching!
How do you use educational comic books to teach children?
Simply put them in children's hands - the kids will do the rest!

Who are some of the people that use our educational comic books?
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• Conservation Districts
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Cities and Municipalities
School Districts
Boards of Education
Educational Organizations
Professional Sports Teams
Advertising Agencies
Federal Government Agencies
Public Relations Firms
Science Organizations
Financial Industry Groups
Law Enforcement Agencies
Manufacturing Companies
Entertainment Companies
• Parks and Recreation Departments |
You're in good company when you choose to use Discovery Comics to reach young people and families!